Version 2.2.3 -- Last 2.X Version of AudioButcher

Hi, everyone. This update is a bit more on the short end, but this is going to be the last 2.X version of AB. The next version will be pretty much rewritten from scratch, which we hope will allow for many more features in the end. Cheers.


  • Fixed start onsets; 
  • Speed and start time weights entry can be left empty for equal weighting;
  • Separated start onset list file from "usual" onset list;
  • Slightly improved the BPM quantization mode;
  • Added the ability to drag & drop files directly to AB window: specifically audio, preset and both types of onset files;
  • Added the ability to export audio in FLAC;
  • Added the ability to specify note extension crossfade;
  • The pared version of AB now contains the "aubio" Python module which allows onset detection (however its detection quality is much lower).
  • Bugfix: The "Manage onsets" window now reappears after editing onsets;


ab223p.exe 90 MB
Apr 20, 2023
ab223p_pared.exe 22 MB
Apr 20, 2023

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for some reason, every time i try to download a version, it either brings me to a virus automatically, or works the first time, and turns into a virus the next day. could you fix this problem so i don't have to go to command prompt every day to force delete the file?

if you want to say that i don't have ffmpeg, just know that i DO have it and it still doesn't work, so it's not that.